Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Before and After Teeth Whitening — Asheboro, NC — Dr. Edward Wenda, DDS, P.A. & Dr. Henry L. Vruwink

Create a Smile You Will Love

Your smile is one of the first things many people notice about you. But when a patient lacks confidence in their smile, it can keep them from sharing it with others. Dr. Edward Wenda, DDS, P.A. & Dr. Henry L. Vruwink in Asheboro, NC, provides a variety of cosmetic dental services to assist our patients in creating their dream smile.

From lightening stains on the surface of the teeth to restorative measures that can improve the look and feel of your smile, our dental team is here to help! Each patient is different, and what may be a good fit for some may not be for others. We invite you to call 336-629-3113 to schedule a cosmetic consultation with our dentists to assess your smile, understand your smile goals, and provide you with budget-friendly options to deliver the natural-looking, long-lasting results you are searching for. 

Types of Cosmetic Services

Composite Tooth-Colored Fillings

We offer tooth coloring composites resin fillings that match the color of your teeth, are bonded for strength, and are metal free.

All Porcelain Crowns

Crowns are also used to change the appearance of your teeth when necessary. We offer crowns that are all porcelain and metal free for optimal aesthetics. The new porcelain crowns are many times as strong or stronger than metal.

In-House Whitening

We offer ZOOM in office whitening that whitens your teeth in just one appointment in our office.

Take-Home Whitening Treatment

We offer take home whitening trays that will allow you to whiten your teeth over 10-14 days.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin porcelain covers that are used to change the appearance on front teeth when necessary.

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